Herv� CACI
> I sent a private message to the author of 'swboot', and a
> copy to the list
> in case that she has changed her email address...
> I just downloaded 'swboot' (versions 2.2.0 - 13 Aug 2000)
> to use with a
> small dataset (2 groups of 15 subjects) and several sets of
> predictors
> (personality traits).
> Here is the output I get with the first set of predictors:
> . swboot SAMPLE_T0 fi di tas es bs dis, rep(100)
> Model: Stepwise Logistic Regression
> Outcome: -- SAMPLE_T0
> Options: pr=.1 pe=.05 n=30
> invalid '9'
> r(198);
> Setting trace on, I located the line on which the error occured:
> - disp _n(1) in gre "Options: pr=" in yel "`pr'" in green
> " pe=" in yel
> "`pe'" in green " n=" in yel "`sample'"
> Options: pr=.1 pe=.05 n=30
> - disp " "
> - }
> - if `n'>_N {
> disp in red "There are only " in yel _N in red "
> available " "observations
> for this model;"
> }
> - while `numreps'<=`reps' {
> - quietly save `tempds', replace
> invalid '9'
> bsample `sample'
> if "`regtype'"=="lin" {
-swboot- was written by Joanne Garrett.
My guess is that the temporary file created by
Stata has a space embedded within the complete file
path; and this arises under some flavo[u]r of Windows;
and that this is being misunderstood.
Try editing references to `tempds' in a copy of
-swboot.ado- as follows:
line 68
is now
quietly save `tempds', replace
should be
quietly save `"`tempds'"', replace
line 177
is now
quietly use `tempds', clear
should be
quietly use `"`tempds'"', clear
Save this file as, say, -swbooth.ado-, making
sure that it starts
program define swbooth
. discard
and try again with -swbooth-.
[email protected]
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