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st: Problem with 'swboot'

From   Herv� CACI <[email protected]>
To   STATALIST <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Problem with 'swboot'
Date   Thu, 14 Aug 2003 15:23:45 +0200

Dear Statalisters,

I sent a private message to the author of 'swboot', and a copy to the list
in case that she has changed her email address...

I just downloaded 'swboot' (versions 2.2.0 - 13 Aug 2000) to use with a
small dataset (2 groups of 15 subjects) and several sets of predictors
(personality traits).

Here is the output I get with the first set of predictors:

. swboot SAMPLE_T0 fi di tas es bs dis, rep(100)

Model:    Stepwise Logistic Regression
Outcome:   -- SAMPLE_T0

Options:  pr=.1  pe=.05  n=30
invalid '9' 

Setting trace on, I located the line on which the error occured:

- disp _n(1) in gre "Options:  pr=" in yel "`pr'" in green "  pe=" in yel
"`pe'" in green "  n=" in yel "`sample'"

Options:  pr=.1  pe=.05  n=30
- disp "  "
- }
- if `n'>_N {
  disp in red "There are only " in yel _N in red " available " "observations
for this model;"
- while `numreps'<=`reps' {
- quietly save `tempds', replace
invalid '9' 
  bsample `sample'
  if "`regtype'"=="lin" {

I'm grateful for any help you can provide me with.

Yours sincerely,
Herv� CACI, MD, PhD
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Service de P�diatrie
H�pital de l'Archet 2
151, route de Saint Antoine de Ginesti�re
06202 Nice Cedex 3 -- FRANCE
Tel: 04 92 03 60 74
Fax: 04 92 03 60 81
email: [email protected] (at work)
       [email protected]   (at home)

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