Deborah Garvey wrote...
> I need to read in several years of state-level expenditure data and
> would like to automate the process using -forval-. (Maybe this is not
> the way to go.)
> Here's my problem. I don't have a CPI variable in the raw data, but I
> need the CPI to calculate real spending. I can't -gen- the variable,
> as I must clear the data at each year's iteration. All other
> variables are the same each year.
> The code as currently written is below. Any help is greatly
> appreciated.
> Best,
> Deb Garvey
> ----------
> forval i=76/86 {
> ***gen cpi`i' = 0.887788779; --- NO. This only works for the
> selected year.
> insheet fipsst pubst state tsgex`i' sexcap`i' sgexed`i' sgexpw`i'
> capy`i' pery`i' using stateexpY`i'.txt;
> **Real spending;
> gen tsrgex`i' = tsgex`i'/cpi`i';
> ...more in a similar vein
> label var tsgex`i' "Tot state genl exp in $mils";
> label var tsrgex`i' "Tot real state genl exp in $mils";
> ..more in a similar vein
> su if pubst != .;
> save stateexpY`i', replace;
> clear;
> };
Maybe I'm missing something, but you could simply move the -gen
cpi`i' = 0.88788779- line to after you've read in each years data set,
thus generating the cpi`i' variable variable for each data set you are
reading in. Your loop would then look like
forval i=76/86 {
insheet fipsst pubst state tsgex`i' sexcap`i' sgexed`i' sgexpw`i'
capy`i' pery`i' using stateexpY`i'.txt;
gen cpi`i' = 0.887788779;
**Real spending;
gen tsrgex`i' = tsgex`i'/cpi`i';
...more in a similar vein
label var tsgex`i' "Tot state genl exp in $mils";
label var tsrgex`i' "Tot real state genl exp in $mils";
..more in a similar vein
su if pubst != .;
save stateexpY`i', replace;
Neil Shephard
Genetics Statistician
ARC Epidemiology Unit, University of Manchester
[email protected]
[email protected]
"Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it
were so it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's
logic" - Tweedledee (Alice Through the Looking Glass)
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