Here is a suggestion. See Nick Cox's columns in the Stata Journal for more
on this and similar issues.
The trick is to initialise a local macro containing the list of cpi's, and
access each of them iteratively in the loop using a "word # of" macro
extended function.
** initialise the list of cpis separated by blanks;
loc cpis "0.aaaa 0.bbbbb ... 0.887788779 ...";
loc j 1;
>forval i=76/86 {;
>insheet fipsst pubst state tsgex`i' sexcap`i' sgexed`i' sgexpw`i'
capy`i' pery`i' using stateexpY`i'.txt;
>**Real spending;
>** gen tsrgex`i' = tsgex`i'/cpi`i';
loc cpi : word `j++' of `cpis';
gen tsrgex`i' = tsgex`i'/`cpi';
>...more in a similar vein
>label var tsgex`i' "Tot state genl exp in $mils";
>label var tsrgex`i' "Tot real state genl exp in $mils";
>..more in a similar vein
>su if pubst != .;
>save stateexpY`i', replace;
Hope this helps,
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