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Re: st: PDF Stata 8 manuals

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: PDF Stata 8 manuals
Date   Tue, 15 Jul 2003 20:45:41 -0500

"Nick Cox" <[email protected]> wrote:

"As I understand it, the Stata and SAS financial models are
very different.

I know about Stata. I know next to nothing about SAS,
so I speak in ignorance.

As reminders, however, Stata give you

* technical support on current and previous versions
(if registered)
* free upgrades between releases
* indefinite rights once you have a licence (no
annual fees)

Stata charge you

* for buying a copy (once only)
* for upgrading a copy (as desired)
* for the manuals (each release, potentially,
although some skip a release or do not stay

If SAS, or indeed any other statistical
software, has a similar pattern, then we
can compare like with like.

Otherwise, the only fair comparisons must
take into consideration the total picture
of what is free (not charged for) and what
is charged for. "

Another thing Stata allows is for you to install it at home and at work.

Limdep offers a very similar license and its manuals are in printed format -
running about 2000 pages.

This is SAS says about their pricing strategy:

"Due to the fact that there are many variables, options, and configurations
available in our pricing structure, we are unable to provide pricing
information on our web site. We encourage you to call Software Sales at
1-800-727-0025 and allow us to customize a solution to fit your needs."


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