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RE: st: PDF Stata 8 manuals

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: PDF Stata 8 manuals
Date   Wed, 16 Jul 2003 00:38:28 +0000

it's possible to integrate the pdf help files into the stata program rather than making them a separate ones (a boon for piracy!). i think this could be the way forward without imposing inflation busting hike in licence fee. forget about developing countries, even in the developed ones, the price of full complement of stata plus complete sets of manual is not cheap (but this is a relative term vis-a-vis other competing softwares). hence the term reasonable.


From: Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: PDF Stata 8 manuals Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 09:46:16 +0930

I too want Stata prices to remain "reasonable" (however that term is construed), StataCorp to remain viable, and the excellent reference manuals to be available in paper form. On the other, many is the time I have been travelling and need to decide what is the _one_ volume of the manual I cannot do without, and won't tip the airline scales. Invariably I make the wrong choice. So a complementary electronic form of the manuals - I don't mind paying - would be welcome. I understand that some would not like the extra expense "built-in" to the price of Stata, that is, a user-pays principle would need to be involved. Also, Stata might be a bit wary of making a CD of its manuals available (although the pdf files can be made non-printable and non-copyable). Possible solution: the full manual in electronic form viewable on the web, perhaps in a subscription only site. (Other companies with somewhat less savoury reputation than StataCorp manage this. I'm told.)


At 08:41 PM 15/07/2003 +0200, you wrote:

At our institute we have an educational network license of Stata/SE 8 with
*one* set of manuals. Budget contraints limits us to one set of manuals as an
additional one is priced at $375 (actually relatively cheap compared to their

This results in people running up and down, back and forth across the
institute trying to find the manuals they currently need. Electronic
documentation would have saved me half a pair of shoes in the last two years,
I guess. And a lot of time.

In fact I prefer reading hard copies and the Stata manuls are great. But for
most network licenses online documentation would be more apt as academic labs
will rarely buy hard-copies for every license they purchase.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
> Dupont, William
> Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 8:00 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: st: PDF Stata 8 manuals
> I have no idea how much profit Stata makes from their
> manuals, but I would assume that Stata is primarily a
> statistical software company and only secondarily a
> publishing company. I believe that improving the quality and
> value of their software product is their most likely route to
> further prosperity. Stata is of limited value without the
> documentation and the manuals are of no value whatsoever
> without Stata. If improving the online documentation will
> decrease profits from paper manuals, then I for one, would
> recommend improving the online documentation and increasing
> the cost of Stata licenses to make up for the lost revenue
> from book sales.
> Bill Dupont
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor,
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