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RE: st: Ritesh's Inquiry

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Ritesh's Inquiry
Date   Sat, 5 Jul 2003 22:43:56 +0100

Ritesh Mistry asked

> >Lets say i have a list of 10 individuals and 10 scores.
> For each individual
> >I would like to compute a new variable that is the average
> of the other 9
> >scores. Any ideas on how that can be done?
> >
> >The data for the example look like this:
> >
> >id    score    newvar
> >  1    10
> >  2    13
> >  3    12
> >  4    19
> >  5    21
> >  6     9
> >  .
> >  .
> >  .
> >10    15
> >
> >The next problem I am having difficulty with is that these
> 10 individuals
> >are nested within a community and there are, lets say, 5
> communities in
> >total with 10 individual is each for total N of 50.  I
> would like to compute
> >the new variable, where the value for a particular
> individual is the average
> >of the scores for the other 9 people in the community
> where they reside. So
> >I would like to repeat the procedure separately for each community.

Royce de R. Barondes replied

> 1.  Create a new variable "score_total" (for the entire
> population or,
> using "by", the individual community) comprising the sum of
> all the scores
> (within the population or community).
> 2.  Generate newvar  equal to (score_total-score)/(n-1)

Clearly, Royce is correct. You can use the principle

sum for everybody else = sum for everybody - value for you

after which

average for everybody else = sum for everybody else / (n - 1)

In Stata terms this is, with a group structure:

bysort group : gen newvar = sum(score)
by group : replace newvar = newvar[_N] / (_N - 1)

There could be at least one problem with
this, any missing values in -score-.

The extra wrinkle to cope with that is
something like

bysort group : gen newvar = sum(score)
by group : gen N = sum(score < .)
by group : replace newvar = newvar[_N] / (N[_N] - 1)

or like

bysort group : gen newvar = sum(score)
by group : egen N = count(score)
by group : replace newvar = newvar[_N] / (N - 1)

There is a more detailed discussion of this and
similar problems at

How do I create variables summarizing for each
individual properties of the other members of a group?

[email protected]

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