> Hi, can anyone tell me how to change the position of
> the labels on a pair of kaplan-meier curves? I would
> also like to change the graph title and the x axis
> title. Here is the command I used
> in Stata 6:
> -sts graph if n_stage2==1, by(sfrules2)tmax(600)-
> Actually, I'm assuming it's hard to change the
> position Stata selects for the labels. Can I open the
> file in some other software and edit it? I have tried
> a few things but have been unsuccessful.
You are using Stata 6.
On the label positions:
Stata 6 graphs can be edited using the Stata graphics
editor Stage.
However, I believe that this is no longer
marketed, but possibly you can find a copy locally
On the title, etc.:
As indicated in the manual and the on-line help,
-sts graph- accepts options of -graph, twoway-
so try options like -title()- and -b2title()-.
[email protected]
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