Roger Newson
> Sorry, I forgot to mention that I would like to thank Nick
> Cox for writing
> the -hplot- package (also downloadable from SSC), which is
> where I found a
> lot of the ideas for -ingap-. (And which used to be my
> preferred way of
> presenting to the world the confidence intervals out of
> which I make my
> living as a statistician, before I had access to Stata 8
> graphics. I would
> still recommend it to any Stata 5 or Stata 6 users out there.)
Thanks. -hplot- on SSC requires Stata 6, so should work with
Stata 6 or Stata 7, but not Stata 5.
Sorry again, I meant "I would still recommend it to any Stata 6 or Stata 7
users out there".