Stack (concatenate) the data together, including a variable to distinguish
the two surveys, and use whatever test you would use to compare two groups.
Be sure that the variables have the same names (and data types) and make
sure that the sample design information is correct in the end.
Specifically, the values for strata and PSU could be the same or different
for each survey, depending on the sample design.
Bryan Sayer
Statistician, SSS Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: fyzzz
To: [email protected]
Sent: 6/6/03 12:14 AM
Subject: st: How to obtain risk difference and its confidence interval for
cluster sampling data?
Dear statalist readers,
I got data from 2 surveys which conducted in different time period.
Cluster sampling method was used, and all unit in selected cluster
were surveyed. SVYTAB can give me the prevalence and CI for each
survey, but no information about risk difference between the 2 survey.
How to obtain it?
I'm a new user of STATA. Any help or suggestion are appreciated!
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
mailto:[email protected]
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