Lachenbruch, Peter
> A clumsier method for getting a reverse cumulative could be
> Replace x=-x
> Cmul x,gen(xcum)
> Replace x=-x
> List x xcum
> Or
> Cmul x,gen(xcum)
> Replace xcum=1-xcum
Here by -Replace- Peter (a.k.a. Tony) means -replace- and
by -Cmul- he means -cumul-, I imagine.
However, there are two pitfalls here, one slightly subtle,
one more obvious.
1. As it stands, -cumul- does not produce equal values
of cumulative probability for equal values of the input
variable. I suggested in an earlier posting that there
be a new -equal- option which enforces this. This will be
added in the next ado update from Stata.
2. -list-ing the whole data set could be space-consuming.
tabdisp x, c(xcum)
would select distinct values once only -- once the
issue in 1 is taken care of.
[email protected]
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