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st: Cumulative frequency in reverse order [was:RE: RE: statalist-digest V4 #1269]

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Cumulative frequency in reverse order [was:RE: RE: statalist-digest V4 #1269]
Date   Thu, 5 Jun 2003 09:53:14 +0100

Subhash Pokhrel
> Can anyone in the list help me solve the following simple problem?
> I want to get the cummulative frequency in the reverse 
> order. Usually, when
> you tabulate, Stata gives you a cummulative frequency 
> starting from the
> lowest value (if X=0,1,....25; the cf becomes 100% at 
> x=25). What I want is
> my cf getting 100% at x=0.

This can be tackled by a variation on the approach outlined 

How do I tabulate cumulative frequencies?

Note that 

. search cumulative 


. search cumulative frequencies 

would have pointed to this FAQ. 

program subhash, sortpreserve
	version 8 
	syntax varname(numeric) [if] [in] 
	marksample touse 
	tempvar reverse freq cumfreq 
	qui gen `reverse' = -`varlist' 
	bysort `touse' `reverse': gen long `freq' = _N 
	by `touse' `reverse' : gen long `cumfreq' = _N * (_n == 1) 
	qui by `touse' : replace `cumfreq' = sum(`cumfreq') 
	qui replace `cumfreq' = 100 * `cumfreq' / `cumfreq'[_N] 
	label var `freq' "Frequency" 
	label var `cumfreq' "Cumulative percent"
	format `cumfreq' %6.2f 
	tabdisp `varlist' if `touse', c(`freq' `cumfreq')

(back translation to 7: not tested) 
program def subhash7, sortpreserve
	version 7 
	syntax varname(numeric) [if] [in] 
	marksample touse 
	tempvar reverse freq cumfreq 
	qui gen `reverse' = -`varlist' 
	bysort `touse' `reverse': gen long `freq' = _N 
	by `touse' `reverse' : gen long `cumfreq' = _N * (_n == 1) 
	qui by `touse' : replace `cumfreq' = sum(`cumfreq') 
	qui replace `cumfreq' = 100 * `cumfreq' / `cumfreq'[_N] 
	label var `freq' "Frequency" 
	label var `cumfreq' "Cumulative percent"
	format `cumfreq' %6.2f 
	tabdisp `varlist' if `touse', c(`freq' `cumfreq')

e.g. subhash myvar 

[email protected] 

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