dear all,
i have a set of variables gop1-gop9 greval1-greval9 gadd1-gadd9 and
several more like these, all postfixed from 1 to 9. each postfix has
a distinct meaning which i want to incorporate in a label.
i wrote this nested loop with paralel lists, but it doesn't run. can
anyone point the way out?
for X in any gop greval gadd gdeda gcl dyrb dyrd dsd dyre nop ncl \
Y in any "gross opening" "gross addition by reval."
"gross actual addition" "gross deduc. & adj." "gross closing"
"depr. up to year beg." "depr. during year"
"depr. adj. for sold/discarded" "depr. up to year close"
"net opening" "net closing":
for Z in num 1/9 \
T in any "land" "building" "P&M" "transp. equip."
"computers" "others" "subtot"
"cap. work in prog." "total":
label var XZ "fix. ass. T: Y";
or is not possible to accomplish this in one step?
thanks for your time,
Radu Ban
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