Thank you very much, with your help I could get the graphs that I
needed. You provided two solutions, both of which worked. I adopted
the longer alternative because it allows me to plot the individual
time series with different markers and colors. I don't know how this
can be done with the shorter alternative that you provided.
Because I have eight time series I shortened your first suggestion by
adding a counter i. Below is the end result, reduced to four
variables and minus -title-, -scale- and other options.
foreach x of local countries {;
local i 0;
foreach v of varlist var_a var_b var_c var_d {;
local i = `i' + 1;
quietly count if `v'<. & country=="`x'";
if r(N)>0 {;
local leg`i' `i';
else {;
local leg`i' ;
scatter var_a year if country=="`x'", pstyle(p1) ||
scatter var_b year if country=="`x'", pstyle(p1) ||
scatter var_c year if country=="`x'", pstyle(p2) ||
scatter var_d year if country=="`x'", pstyle(p2)
legend(order(`leg1' `leg2' `leg3' `leg4'));
graph export "`x'.wmf";
Friedrich Huebler
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