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st: Re: RE: Ultra Edit

From   "E. Lance Howe" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: RE: Ultra Edit
Date   Wed, 26 Mar 2003 11:01:41 -0900

i forwarded this question to ultraedit and this was the reply

I don't think it would be possible to do this from the Tool Configuration
dialog.  You can use %sel% on the command line and this instructs UltraEdit
to add the highlighted/selected text from the active document into the
command line in place of the %sel% but I don't think this would achieve
what the poster is looking for and if the selected text includes CR/LF's
(which I believe it would) then I don't this would be valid for a command
Thanks, Troy
[email protected]

i wasn't aware of the option of running stata directly on ultraedit - i
always change directories cd " (and paste in the address from the relevant
folder) to access the appropriate stata files (which i save as text files to
avoid automatically running them when i click to open) - and this seems to
work very smoothly - also, as i'm sure you know, alternatives to
highlighting directly in ultraedit would be to paste the relevant portions
of your program into the stata do file editor, or use */   /* to partition
off the commands you don't want to run.


----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 8:08 AM
Subject: st: RE: Ultra Edit

| Dear Stata-listers,
| I have consulted the link below as kindly provided by Nick Cox. I have a
| large do-file that I wish to run parts of from within Ultra-Edit.
| I followed the instructions to set up the link between Ultra Edit as
| follows:
| In Ultra-Edit, go to Advanced and then Tool Configuration. Set the working
| directory to d:\ (for example). The command line should read (modify
| executable as needed) c:\stata\wsestata.exe do  "%f".
| The instruction say that Stata SE should now appear at the bottom of the
| Advanced menu, so that clicking on it brings up Stata and runs the current
| file. Instead, in the Advance drop-down menu, one has to choose "Run
| Program" and the command c:\stata\wsestata.exe do  "%f" will run and
| the whole do file.
| My query is that, is there a way to modify that last bit (do "%f") so that
| only the currently selected (or highlighted) lines of syntax (in the
| do-file) are to be executed.
| Many thanks for your advice in advance.
| Regards,
| Amani
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Nick Cox [mailto:[email protected]]
| Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2003 17:12
| To: [email protected]
| Subject: st: Text editors and Stata FAQ
| Thanks to Kit Baum, the FAQ at
| has been updated: there is a new entry on SlickEdit
| (thanks to John Kalat) and an revision on UltraEdit
| (thanks to Devra Golbe, Timothy Wade).
| Nick
| [email protected]
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