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st: RE: Ultra Edit

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: RE: Ultra Edit
Date   Wed, 26 Mar 2003 18:08:21 +0100

Dear Stata-listers,

I have consulted the link below as kindly provided by Nick Cox. I have a
large do-file that I wish to run parts of from within Ultra-Edit.

I followed the instructions to set up the link between Ultra Edit as
In Ultra-Edit, go to Advanced and then Tool Configuration. Set the working
directory to d:\ (for example). The command line should read (modify
executable as needed) c:\stata\wsestata.exe do  "%f".
The instruction say that Stata SE should now appear at the bottom of the
Advanced menu, so that clicking on it brings up Stata and runs the current
file. Instead, in the Advance drop-down menu, one has to choose "Run Windows
Program" and the command c:\stata\wsestata.exe do  "%f" will run and execute
the whole do file.  

My query is that, is there a way to modify that last bit (do "%f") so that
only the currently selected (or highlighted) lines of syntax (in the
do-file) are to be executed.

Many thanks for your advice in advance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Cox [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2003 17:12
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Text editors and Stata FAQ 

Thanks to Kit Baum, the FAQ at

has been updated: there is a new entry on SlickEdit 
(thanks to John Kalat) and an revision on UltraEdit 
(thanks to Devra Golbe, Timothy Wade). 

[email protected] 
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