I had a play with a way of outflanking -list- in Stata 8, on
behalf of those who don't like it. This is the result of
a quick hack, and I make no claims to its great merits,
but anyone who likes it is welcome to it. If you like minimal,
this is minimal. (_No_ headers even.)
-listout- has that name partly because of the way it borrows
-outfile- to emit a file which it then types.
Anyone who likes this may want to clone it as something
with a shorter name. -lo- appears to be available.
Here is the code:
program listout
*! NJC 1.0.0 26 Feb 2003
version 8
syntax [varlist] [if] [in] [, Comma NOLabel ljs rjs ]
local njs : word count `ljs' `rjs'
if `njs' == 2 {
di "{p}{err}may not specify both " ///
"{inp:ljs} and {inp:rjs}{p_end}"
exit 198
else if `njs' == 1 {
local options "`rjs'"
else if `njs' == 0 {
local options "fjs"
if "`quote'" == "" {
local options "`options' noquote"
tempfile outfile
tempvar obs
gen `obs' = "{txt: " + string(_n) + ".}{res}"
outfile `obs' `varlist' `if' `in' using `"`outfile'"', ///
wide `comma' `nolabel' `options'
type `"`outfile'"', smcl
The syntax is
listout [varlist] [if] [in] [, Comma NOLabel ljs rjs ]
comma separates variables by commas (ugly but compressed)
nolabel suppresses value labels
ljs forces left-justification of string variables.
rjs forces right-justification of string variables.
Here are some examples, truncated to show style:
. listout mpg
1. 22
2. 17
3. 22
4. 20
5. 15
6. 18
7. 26
. listout mpg if foreign
53. 17
54. 23
55. 25
56. 23
57. 35
58. 24
59. 21
. listout mpg foreign displa make
1. 22 Domestic 121 AMC Concord
2. 17 Domestic 258 AMC Pacer
3. 22 Domestic 121 AMC Spirit
4. 20 Domestic 196 Buick Century
5. 15 Domestic 350 Buick Electra
6. 18 Domestic 231 Buick LeSabre
7. 26 Domestic 304 Buick Opel
. listout mpg foreign displa make, nolabel
1. 22 0 121 AMC Concord
2. 17 0 258 AMC Pacer
3. 22 0 121 AMC Spirit
4. 20 0 196 Buick Century
5. 15 0 350 Buick Electra
6. 18 0 231 Buick LeSabre
7. 26 0 304 Buick Opel
. listout mpg foreign displa make, comma
1.,22,Domestic,121,AMC Concord
2.,17,Domestic,258,AMC Pacer
3.,22,Domestic,121,AMC Spirit
4.,20,Domestic,196,Buick Century
5.,15,Domestic,350,Buick Electra
6.,18,Domestic,231,Buick LeSabre
7.,26,Domestic,304,Buick Opel
[email protected]
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/