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st: RE: question about labelling

From   "Steichen, Thomas" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: question about labelling
Date   Thu, 27 Feb 2003 12:56:11 -0500

Radu Ban writes:

> I have a lot of variables of the type
> xyz101 xyz105 xyz211...
> and I want to label them like this:
> label var xyz101 "[description] 101"
> I would like to know whether I can speed up this labelling 
> process, since I have over a hundred of these variables. I 
> tried the following piece of code:
> foreach `name' of varlist xyz* {
> 	local code = substr(`name', -3, .)
> 	label var `name' `"indigineous input # `code'"'
> 	}
> but it gives me a type mismatch, which makes me believe 
> -substr- is trying to extract the string out of the variable 
> itself not its name. Can anyone point the way oout?

Put `name' in quotes in the substr() function.


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