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Re: st: RE: list in stata8

From   Ricardo Ovaldia <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: list in stata8
Date   Mon, 24 Feb 2003 09:28:01 -0800 (PST)

I completely agree with Edwin and others that have
complained about Stata's speed. Stata has always been
known for speed and this version has many commands
that are slower than previous versions. Why?

I also agree with Edwin's problem with the -list-
command. I liked the old behavior and as Edwin asked
"who needs a like every 5 observations". I find this
extremely annoying. The behavior of the new -list-
command (and graphics for that matter) seems to go
against the old Stata standard told to me by tech
support some time last year "Type a little, get a
little; type a lot, get a lot". The new list violates
this premise. You type a little and get a lot of
unwanted things. You have to type a lot to get a


--- Edwin Leuven <[email protected]> wrote:
> > That is indeed a problem if you want to -list-
> > 333,828 observations.
> It has never been a problem, so don't ridicule my
> point
> Obviously I just want to look at my data, but I
> don't want to type l in 1/100 
> or something like this
> There is no reason for the speed of list to depend
> on the size of my data
> If I type l, stata should just start spitting out
> the data
> This is what stata 7 did, and this is what stata 8
> should do
> It's just a buggy implementation of list afaic
> Ed.
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Ricardo Ovaldia, MS
Oklahoma City, OK

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