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st: re: analysis of multi-level data

From   "Devendra Amre" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: re: analysis of multi-level data
Date   Mon, 3 Feb 2003 16:32:45 -0500

I had posted this question some time ago. Unfortunately I haven`t as yet
found an
adequate solution (consulted quite a few statisticians!!), hence am posting
it again.

I have the following repeated measures data set:
ID    Y(continuous)        Time (mths)            X (categorical)
1            y11                    3                            1
1            y12                    3                            1
1            y13                    3                            1
2            y21                    3                            0
2            y22                    3                            0
3            y21                    3                            2
3            y22                    3                            2
10        y101                    6                            0
10        y102                    6                            0
11        y111                    6                            1
11        y112                    6                            1
and so on:

Essentially the response variable is measured repeatedly at 1 time point
(say 3 months) on a group of individuals and the same done for another set
of individuals at another time point (say 6 months). There are only 3 time
points (3, 6 and 12 months). This is unlike a normal panel data set where
measures are repeated on the same individuals over time.
This is like a survey carried out among different populations at different
times with a repeated measures entity.

The objective is:

1. To compare the rate of change in the response variable within groups
defined by the X variable.
Earlier it was kindly suggested to look into the use of 'psuedo panel
methods'. However in order to implement the latter I understand one will
need to have many time points (only 3 here). Any suggestions on the
appropriate methods to implement will be kindly appreciated.

P.S. I have attempted to send this message in a format other than HTML/MIME.
Hopefully it is understandable.

Devendra Amre MD, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor/Chercheur Adjoint
Epidemiology/Dept of Pediatrics
Sainte Justine Hospital
3175, Cote Sainte Catherine
Montreal-Canada H3T 1C5
Voice: 514 345 4931 extn 3599
Fax: 514 345 4801
[email protected]

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