Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> 1. Note that Stata's own -doedit- can be useful
> for looking at help files, so long as they are
> not too big.
> . findfile whatever.hlp
> . doedit `r(fn)'
> finds whatever.hlp along your -adopath-
> and opens it in -doedit-. This process is
> automated in -fedit- from SSC.
For some reason, this does not work properly on my system
[stata8/SE, q born: 17 Jan 2003, linux(network)].
If I type:
. findfile egenmore.hlp
. doedit `r(fn)'
then the file is not found by doedit. But in the case of my
favorite editor, the following command works:
. !gvim `r(fn)'
However, all these three commands:
. !!vi `r(fn)'
. !!vi ~/ado/stbplus/e/egenmore.hlp
. !!vi "~/ado/stbplus/e/egenmore.hlp"
will not work properly. A seemingly empty file is opened, and any
attempt to write causes vi to complain with:
"~/ado/stbplus/e/egenmore.hlp" E212: Can't open file for
But the following is ok:
. !!vi ado/stbplus/e/egenmore.hlp
The problem seems to come from the leading ~/ that is passed to
> 2. As it happens, -egenmore.hlp- is too big for
> -doedit-.
Not mine, which handles the whole file without much of a
complain. But in no way will I stop using vi.
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