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RE: st: Re: searching active log file

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Re: searching active log file
Date   Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:42:57 -0000

Philippe Glaziou
> In my experience, smcl files can only be viewed with the stata
> viewer and the command -type- in stata8(console), none of which
> offer an even basic text search feature --or I could not find it.
> One option is to save or translate your logs as text, and view
> them with any tool that allows a text search. 
> I also find it a bit irritating to be unable to do a text search
> within a long help page. An exemple comes to mind: Nick Cox has
> just released an update of his great package -egenmore-. I am now
> interested in using his functions for dealing with minutes and
> hours. Lazy as I am, I will want to jump to the first occurence
> of "minute" or "hour" in the help page, rather than skimming
> throught it until I find the right functions. Also, going up one
> page (or going up one occurence) when needed, even though -more-
> is set on, would often be helpful. All this is a given in pretty
> much every unix text application, and I would really hate seing
> stata evolving towards a windows/mac click-me-here thing with
> fancy windows and a gastronomic menu.  Unfortunately, this is
> were the market seems to be these days.  
> Anyway, the new graphics are superb, and stata(console) is
> greatly improved, which both make me a very happy customer.

Thanks for the comment on -egenmore-, which 
also includes the work of Kit Baum, Nick 
Winter and Steven Stillman. 

Naturally, I agree that some way to search like 
this would be a helpful feature. 

Your admiration for doing things the Unix 
way is shared by Stata's developers. At the same 
time, it is becoming clear to me, as a ardent 
enthusiast for Unix ways and also for command language 
interfaces, that -- at least with much of the new graphics -- using
the dialogues and seeing the command language 
produced is probably the easiest way to learn it. 

As you say, standard text tools allow searching, 
on which I add two comments: 

1. Note that Stata's own -doedit- can be useful 
for looking at help files, so long as they are 
not too big. 

. findfile whatever.hlp 
. doedit `r(fn)' 

finds whatever.hlp along your -adopath- 
and opens it in -doedit-. This process is 
automated in -fedit- from SSC. 

2. As it happens, -egenmore.hlp- is too big for 
-doedit-. So it is useful to be able to integrate 
your favourite text editor smoothly with Stata 
and many suggestions under that heading are bundled 

-- the collective effort of some 23 Stata users. 

[email protected] 

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