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Re: st: Once more - combining confidence intervals?

From   Alan Kelly <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Once more - combining confidence intervals?
Date   Fri, 24 Jan 2003 16:02:19 +0000

Thanks Roger for your reply (copied below).

You mention that I may not have provided enough information in my original request - admittedly I gave only what information I felt was directly relevant. However, from your comments its clear that more information would have been helpful.

The context of the question is a national capture-recapture prevalence estimation exercise for a particular condition based on lists (3) of individuals who have contact with the 3 separate agencies. Hence the use of the standard log-linear modelling approach to estimate the total number of of individuals in the population.

As I mentioned in my first email (copied below) the global fit (all ages, both sexes) was very poor due to heterogeneity (which can arise for a number of reasons, but may be due in part to differential probabilities of 'capture' by the different agencies for different age/sex groups. Stratification has improved the goodness of fit of the model(s) in each strata. The chosen model generates an estimate of the population size for the given age/sex group (say males 15 - 24 years) and an associated 95% confidence interval. In practice, I have 3 age bands by both sexes to give 6 estimates of the respective numbers (and CIs) with this condition in the corresponding strata. The individual point estimates can be added to give an estimate of the total across all ages and both sexes. The difficulty arises from the need to derive a confidence interval for this estimate of the total based on the available 6 confidence intervals. Individuals with this condition are by no means typical of their age/sex class in the population as a whole (fortunately!) as the condition is relatively rare.
So my question stands there a sensible strategy for combining lower and upper bounds to the individual CIs?
Any suggestions very welcome...
Alan Kelly

Reply from Roger Harbord

I think part of the reason for lack of response may have been lack of clarity or information in the query, but I'll give it a go:

I assume you really meant a (weighted) average of the prevalences rather than a sum of the prevalences. But if the sample you're using in your model is representative of the population (i.e. a simple random sample), I would have thought you could simply fit the same model without stratification. If not, how about weighting the sample according to known population demographics and using the -svy- commands, e.g. -svyprop- or possibly -svylogit- ?

I think you're right that summing individual lower and upper confidence intervals will certainly not give the right answer!

Seeing as a prevalence is simply a proportion (with the disease at a given time), I'm not entirely clear why you're using log-linear models rather than logistic ones, or indeed simply estimating proportions and CIs using -ci- if its a simple random sample, but that's another matter - maybe there's more than one disease state..?

Hope this helps
(if not try providing more information - see


Roger Harbord mailto:[email protected]
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol

Original question:

Dear all,
Following stratified modelling (log-linear) to derive a population
prevalence, I have a number of point prevalence estimates and their
associated confidence intervals for various age/sex groups (15 - 24
years, 25 - 34 years and 35 - 54 years for males and females separately).
I need to have an estimate of the prevalence for the entire 15 - 54
population.  Fitting a global model produces a very poor fit (due to
heterogeneity).  Summing the point estimates to obtain an overall
prevalence seems reasonable. However, although I have seen this done,
summing the individual lower and upper confidence intervals to give a CI
for the total prevalence does not seem intuitive to me...for a start,
the  individual age/sex standard errors are based on different numbers of
individuals. Any suggestions as to how I could tackle the above would be
appreciated. best wishes,
Alan Kelly

Dr. Alan Kelly E-mail [email protected]
Biostatistician Phone: +353-1-608 1385 or 608 1087
Fax: +353-1-403 1211 or 403 1212

Director of the Small Area Health Research Unit
Department of Community Health & General Practice
Trinity Center for Health Sciences
Tallaght Hospital
Dublin 24
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