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Re: st: Once more - combining confidence intervals?

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Once more - combining confidence intervals?
Date   Fri, 24 Jan 2003 12:07:26 +0000


I hope I have not misunderstood the query in writing this response. One question beforehand though, if it is so heterogeneous, is it sensible to combine to produce a pooled estimate of the prevalence?

One approach is may be to pooled the point estimate like you would pooled in a meta-analysis and weighted it according to the number of males and females in each stratum. You then also do likewise with the upper and lower confidence interval limits. There is no specific user-written Stata ado file for this that I am aware of.

Another approach is Bayesian modelling (so I have been told when I considered this problem and similar problems in the past) using WinBUGS to obtain the point estimate of the prevalence and limit of the confidence intervals. However, one trip to its website enough to put me off, then and now.

Hope this help in some way and that you have not already considered it and or discounted it.

Best wishes,

From: Alan Kelly <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Once more - combining confidence intervals?
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:28:50 +0000

Dear all,
A little surprised that I had no takers on the following question (posted on the 17th).
I'm trying again - just in case!
best wishes,
Alan Kelly

Dear all,
Following stratified modelling (log-linear) to derive a population prevalence, I have a number of point prevalence estimates and their associated confidence intervals for various age/sex groups (15 - 24 years, 25 - 34 years and 35 - 54 years for males and females separately). I need to have an estimate of the prevalence for the entire 15 - 54 population. Fitting a global model produces a very poor fit (due to heterogeneity). Summing the point estimates to obtain an overall prevalence seems reasonable. However, although I have seen this done, summing the individual lower and upper confidence intervals to give a CI for the total prevalence does not seem intuitive to me...for a start, the individual age/sex standard errors are based on different numbers of individuals.
Any suggestions as to how I could tackle the above would be appreciated.
best wishes,
Alan Kelly
Dr. Alan Kelly E-mail [email protected]
Biostatistician Phone: +353-1-608 1385 or 608 1087
Fax: +353-1-403 1211 or 403 1212

Director of the Small Area Health Research Unit

Department of Community Health & General Practice

Trinity Center for Health Sciences
Tallaght Hospital
Dublin 24
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