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Re: st: Re: Stata 8 Window Arrangement

From   Fred Wolfe <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: Stata 8 Window Arrangement
Date   Wed, 22 Jan 2003 03:30:17 -0600

At 12:19 AM 1/22/2003 -0600, you wrote:
There is not currently a way to get Stata's dialog boxes to open
over the Review or Variables windows.  However, we are investigating
the possibility of allowing users to choose one of two alternatives.

One choice would be to have these windows always on top, and therefore
able to be moved outside of the main Stata window and able to be clicked
on while the expression builder is active.  The other choice would
be to have the same behavior as Stata 7, where other windows may be
brought on top of them.  Please bear in mind, however, that a user
who chooses the Stata 7 behavior will not be able to move these windows
outside the main Stata window, nor will they be able to access the
Variables window while using the expression builder.  Due to
limitations of Windows, there are tradeoffs between the two alternatives.
Alan are these possibilities? 1) a switch between the two behaviors between a) the much less frequent (at least for most list users) graphics and statistics pull down use requiring the review and variables windows and b) the non-graphics and statistics pull down use that allows any sub window positioning. This would be sort of like having several windowing possibilities besides current and default. 2) Use of macro that allows multiple behaviors. For example, close review and variables window, etc. Although I haven't used it yet, has a product called macro express that seems to be able to most everything including opening and closing windows, window positioning and Sizing, and much more.


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Fred Wolfe Tel (316) 263-2125
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases Fax (316) 263-0761
Wichita, Kansas [email protected]
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