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st: Re: Stata 8 Window Arrangement

From   [email protected] (Alan Riley)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Stata 8 Window Arrangement
Date   Wed, 22 Jan 2003 00:19:58 -0600

Joseph Coveney ([email protected]) wrote
> I use the Graphics dialogue boxes most frequently, since I am least
> familiar with Stata 8's new graphics.  I find myself having to drag
> many graphics dialogue boxes rightward every time that I invoke them
> in order to get them out in the open from beneath the Review window.
> Is there a way to get them to open in a new default postion over the
> Review window?

There is not currently a way to get Stata's dialog boxes to open
over the Review or Variables windows.  However, we are investigating
the possibility of allowing users to choose one of two alternatives.

One choice would be to have these windows always on top, and therefore
able to be moved outside of the main Stata window and able to be clicked
on while the expression builder is active.  The other choice would
be to have the same behavior as Stata 7, where other windows may be
brought on top of them.  Please bear in mind, however, that a user
who chooses the Stata 7 behavior will not be able to move these windows
outside the main Stata window, nor will they be able to access the
Variables window while using the expression builder.  Due to
limitations of Windows, there are tradeoffs between the two alternatives.

While we investigate such options, most users should be able to
position their windows to effectively use Stata.

For a user with 1024 x 768 screen resolution or higher, the easiest
way to avoid the problem Joseph described is to simply move the
Variables and Review windows outside the main Stata window.  Don't
maximize the main Stata window.  Instead, drag it to cover roughly
80% of the width of the overall screen, and position it to the right.
Drag the Review and Variables windows to cover roughly 20% of the width
of the overall screen, and position them to the left of the screen, outside
of the main Stata window.

Now, the Review and Variables windows will be accessible when needed,
but will not cover any other Stata windows.  The Results, Graph, and Command
windows, along with all dialog boxes, will appear within the main Stata
window and be fully visible:

+---------+ +-------------------------------------------+
| Review  | | Stata main window                         |
|         | |                                           |
|         | |                                           |
|         | |                                           |
|         | |                                           |
|         | |                                           |
+---------+ |                                           |
+---------+ |                                           |
|Variables| |                                           |
|         | |                                           |
|         | |                                           |
|         | |                                           |
|         | |                                           |
|         | |                                           |
+---------+ +-------------------------------------------+

<-roughly-> <--roughly---------------------------------->
 200 pixels    824 pixels (or larger)

<------------------1024 pixels (or larger)-------------->

([email protected])
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