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st: Stata 8 Window Arrangement (Not Good)

From   Friedrich Huebler <>
Subject   st: Stata 8 Window Arrangement (Not Good)
Date   Mon, 20 Jan 2003 15:34:58 -0800 (PST)

I use Stata 8 in Windows 98 with 1024 by 768 resolution. My Stata
windows are arranged following the standard pattern: left Review and
Variables, right Results and Command. The Results and Command windows
cover a width of about 75% of the screen, the remaining 25% are
covered by Review and Variables.

When I call one of the dialogs from the Graphics menu (say,
Histogram) I cannot see the whole dialog box because only the part
hovering above the Results and Command windows is visible. Either the
left part is covered by the Review and Variables windows (because
they are always on top) or the right part is outside the screen. I
use long variable labels and do not want to reduce the width of the
Variables window.

Compared to Stata 7 there is also less space for the Data Browser,
Graph, and other windows. Maximizing the main Stata window to hide
Review and Variables is not a solution because I don't always want to
realign the right border of the Browser or other windows.

I read Alan Riley's explanation of the new window arrangement but I
consider this an inefficient use of screen real estate. It should be
possible not to have the Review and Variables windows on top all the

Friedrich Huebler

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