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st: New version of the -parmest- package on SSC

From   Roger Newson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: New version of the -parmest- package on SSC
Date   Mon, 20 Jan 2003 15:16:56 +0000

Dear All

Thanks to Kit Baum, there is now a new version of the -parmest- package downloadable from SSC. Type -ssc describe parmest- inside Web-aware Stata to find out more.

The -parmest- package converts estimation results to a data set with one observation per parameter, or one observation per parameter per by group, and data on confidence intervals, P-values and other parameter attributes. This new data set can be listed to the Stata log, saved to disk, or written to memory (overwriting any pre-existing data). The new version is still Stata 7, but has a new option -clnumber-, controlling the numbering of the variables in the output data set containing the confidence limits. The -clnumber- option has 2 possible values, -level- (the default) and -rank-. If -level- is specified, then the confidence limits are numbered by their confidence levels. If -rank- is specified, then the confidence limits are numbered by their ranks in ascending order of confidence. Therefore, if the user types

parmby "regress mpg weight foreign",norestore level(90 95 99 99.5) clnum(level)

or, equivalently,

parmby "regress mpg weight foreign",label norestore level(90 95 99 99.5)

then the 90%, 95%, 99% and 99.5% lower confidence limits will be in variables named min90, min95, min99 and min99_5, and the corresponding upper confidence limits will be in variables named max90, max95, max99 and max99_5. However, if the user types

parmby "regress mpg weight foreign",norestore level(90 95 99 99.5) clnum(rank)

then the lower 90%, 95%, 99% and 99.5% confidence limits will be named min1, min2, min3 and min4, and the corresponding upper confidence limits will be named max1, max2, max3 and max4. The -clnum(rank)- option can be useful if the confidence levels have a lot of digits after the decimal point, which might be the case if the user is defining Bonferroni-corrected or Sidak-corrected confidence intervals. For instance, if the confidence intervals are Sidak-corrected for 5 multiple confidence intervals, then the corrected confidence level will be equal to

100*(1-0.05)^(1/5) = 98.979378

In this case, the user might prefer the corrected confidence limits to be called min2 and max2, instead of the default names min98_979378 and max98_979378.

Best wishes


Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
King's College London
5th Floor, Capital House
42 Weston Street
London SE1 3QD
United Kingdom

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