Roberto Mura
> I have some ownership data of italian listed firms; it is
> very detailed. I
> have 60 ownership variables (own1-own60)containing shares, plus 60
> regarding the types of shareholders (type1-type60)....and
> others that are
> now irrelevant.
> My problem is to re-rank all of these since it is very
> helpful to have an
> idea about the largest shareholders, second largest and so on.
I think that I now understand the problem.
I am sure that you should not need to write your
own code to sort anything in Stata.
Your problem sounds like a need for a row sort on
the -own*-. You could do that in place if your values are all
using -rowsort- from SSC. But that won't take care
of your -type*- which I think you want to -sort-
Thus I recommend this strategy:
The approach of
mapping to a different space
doing stuff in that space
mapping back
is very powerful: think logarithms, Fourier transforms, or
whatever, depending on your background.
You should have a firm identifier variable. Here is
a minimal analogue of what I understand your data
to be like:
. l
firm own1 own2 own3 type1 type2
1. a 14 26 28 Z q
2. b 65 5 12 Y r
3. c 56 43 41 X s
4. d 61 90 73 W t
5. e 69 53 88 V u
6. f 11 85 47 U v
7. g 62 22 43 T w
8. h 7 57 90 S x
9. i 56 27 6 R y
10. j 88 95 68 Q z
We -reshape- to -long-:
. reshape long own type , i(firm)
(note: j = 1 2 3)
Data wide -> long
Number of obs. 10 -> 30
Number of variables 7 -> 4
j variable (3 values) -> _j
xij variables:
own1 own2 own3 -> own
type1 type2 type3 -> type
. l
firm _j own type
1. a 1 14 Z
2. a 2 26 q
3. a 3 28 z
4. b 1 65 Y
< snip >
25. i 1 56 R
26. i 2 27 y
27. i 3 6 r
28. j 1 88 Q
29. j 2 95 z
30. j 3 68 q
Now we calculate a rank (N.B. replace 4 as
appropriate, or use -egen, rank() unique- instead):
. bysort firm (own) : gen rank = 4 - _n
. sort firm rank
. keep firm own type rank
. l
firm own type rank
1. a 28 z 1
2. a 26 q 2
3. a 14 Z 3
4. b 65 Y 1
5. b 12 y 2
6. b 5 r 3
< snip >
28. j 95 z 1
29. j 88 Q 2
30. j 68 q 3
. reshape wide own type , i(firm) j(rank)
. l
firm own1 type1 own2 type2 own3
1. a 28 z 26 q 14
2. b 65 Y 12 y 5
3. c 56 X 43 s 41
4. d 90 t 73 w 61
5. e 88 v 69 V 53
6. f 85 v 47 u 11
7. g 62 T 43 t 22
8. h 90 s 57 x 7
9. i 56 R 27 y 6
10. j 95 z 88 Q 68
Here's the code again:
reshape long own type , i(firm)
* !!! replace 4 as appropriate by #firms + 1
bysort firm (own) : gen rank = 4 - _n
keep firm own type rank
reshape wide own type , i(firm) j(rank)
Check out [R] reshape and also
I am having problems with the reshape command.
Can you give further guidance?
[email protected]
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