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RE: st: more informative names of dummy vars, 1 solution worked...

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: more informative names of dummy vars, 1 solution worked...
Date   Thu, 12 Dec 2002 14:57:43 -0000

A.M. Vos

> I ... obviously missed something important in 
> Nicks solution
> which might well be something simple... 
> Nick, if you can have another look at your
> solution I would appreciate it, as it seems to be a nice 
> solution too

Yes, it is! 

> See here my commands and Stata's reply's:
> .  renvars _Iherkomst_* \ morocco somalia turkey suriname antilles
> ceeurope asia africa latamerica other
> \ invalid name
> r(198);
> So, what is the \ supposed to be? after reading -help 
> renvars- I thought
> it might have to be replaced by a comma, which resulted in...
> . renvars _Iherkomst_*, morocco somalia turkey suriname antilles
> ceeurope asia africa latamerica other
> morocco invalid
> r(198);

I think you are using a previous version of -renvars-. Type 

. which renvars 

to see what you are using. In my posting of 10 December, 
I referred specifically to the source of STB-60. 

-renvars- has a little history, roughly like this: 

1. Jeroen Weesie wrote a program called -renvars- 
which was a quite general renaming program. 

2. I wrote a program called -renames- which 
was also a quite general renaming program. 

3. Independently, we came up with several 
similar ideas, but Jeroen's had some functionality
which mine did not, and vice versa. 

4. We put our heads together, merged the programs, and 
called the joint result -renvars-. (-renames- is 
too close to -rename-, and not all Britons refuse
to compromise when dealing with other Europeans.) 
This was published in STB-60 and was the last version 
either of us touched. It has been criticised 
heavily for its "arbitrary syntax", and it 
could be argued to be at least partly redundant 
given -foreach-, but it's there. 

Now Jeroen still has his previous version 
of -renvars- on his website as -findit- 
will indicate. One good reason for that 
it is version 6, whereas the Weesie-Cox 
-renvars- is for version 7, and so not 
accessible to users still on version 6. 
Somehow I guess that is what you have. 

Anyway, I think this explains why you 
cannot make sense of my posting. 

[email protected] 
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