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st: xi: sw poisson, p-values of variables rather than categories of them

From   "A.M. Vos" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: xi: sw poisson, p-values of variables rather than categories of them
Date   Thu, 12 Dec 2002 15:57:57 +0100

Now here's another question about my poisson regression.
again, I'm performing something like: 
-xi: sw poisson patient i.origin i.age i.durstay etc... forward-
than what I get is a list of p-values that are below -pe- of CATEGORIES
included in the model. (e.g. _Iorigin_2, _Iorigin10, _Iage1, _Iorigin7

But what I would like to know is which VARIABLES (origin, age, durstay,
etc) are significant, rather than values (representing categories) of

(To explain a bit more; I've used multiple imputation so I've got 5
datasets to run my regressions on, then I'll identify what variables are
included in all 5 analyses and that full model will be used to calculate
the final estimates and standard errors).

I've tried to find info in the manuals, but either it's not there or I
don't know where to look. So any help is appreciated.

A.M. Vos
dept. of Public Health
Erasmus MC
University Medical Center Rotterdam
P.O. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (10) 4087502
Fax: +31 (10) 4089449
email: [email protected]
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