serial number 1950510006
code 2jze u9ju $5ca 9641 $026 v
auth key 65 wh
Dear Sir/ Madam
I have two variable T1 (fasting time the night before glucose test is done
expressed as airport time e.g 22.00) and variable T2 (time when patients
blood was tested for diabetes expressed as airport time but was collected in
the morning so does not matter if airport time is expressed but it is in the
format of 9.00).
Question: How do I calculate the time difference if between the previous
evening (when patients fasted and the next mooring when patients were
Best regards
Jawad Al-Lawati
Tel +968-696 187
Fax +968 695 480
The World's top 10 killers, in order of deadliness, are "malnourishment,
unsafe sex, high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol, bad water and poor
sanitation, iron deficiency, smoke inhalation from indoor fires, high
cholesterol and obesity." World Health Report 2002 by the World Health
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