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st: boostrapping

From   "Eva Rueckert" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: boostrapping
Date   Wed, 20 Nov 2002 16:24:33 -0000

Dear All,

I am trying to bootstrap a decomposition using the syntax outlined 
in the stata manual. I want to bootstrap the whole decomposition 
procedure which includes the running of some regressions. The 
beginning of my file looks as follows:

program define jmp
	version 7.0
	if "`1'"=="?" {
		global S_1 "com1 com2 com3 com4"

tempname jmp

global list1 "educb educc educd educe educf marr childreny 
childreno ten tensq exp expsq occupa occupb occupc occupd 
occupe occupf occupg occuph indc indd indef indg indh indi indj 
indk indl indm indn indo  Harjumaa West Sothcntl Nrthcntl South 
local year "94 99"
foreach yr of local year {
	reg lnwge $list1 if year==`yr' & gender==1
	gen fesample_`yr'=e(sample)==1
	/*and so on*/

post `1' `topost'

the file does not run and the return message is:

 use "P:\panel.dta", clear
. set seed 10001
. bstrap jmp, reps(1)

too many variables specified

now my question: does the r(103) refer to the variables I have 
specified in my global list1? And if so, is there something i can do 
to extend the number of variables?

I would be grateful for any suggestions.
Eva Rueckert
Centre for Economic Reform and Transformation
School of Management
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS UK
Tel.: +44 (0)131 451 3625
Fax.: +44 (0)131 451 3296
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