Thanks to Roger Newson for his reply. Unfortunately, his suggestion
> {cmdab:sav:ing}{cmd:(} {it:fileout1 fileout2 fileoutX} {cmd:)}
didn't work in my case. Here's the result:
From my SMCL-help file:
{cmdab:sav:ing}{cmd:(} {it:fileout1 fileout2 fileoutX}{cmd:)}
...and interactive:
. di "{cmdab:sav:ing}{cmd:(} {it:fileout1 fileout2 fileoutX}{cmd:)}"
saving( fileout1 fileout2 fileoutX)
... and the same thing copied from the viewer:
saving{ t:fileout1 fileout2 fileoutX})
Yet another example:
From my SMCL-help file:
If {cmd:saving} is specified,
...and interactive:
. di "If {cmd:saving} is specified, "
If saving is specified,
... and the same thing copied from the viewer:
If {cmd:saving cified,
In the two help-files I am currently working on, this happens four times,
and always the mean word 'saving' is involved. Any ideas?
I just wrote a little file -nutz.hlp- containing only 3 lines: