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st: xtabond and e(sample)

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: xtabond and e(sample)
Date   Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:44:59 -0400

I am getting some strange behaviour on the part of -xtabond- when trying to
restrict the estimation sample of subsequent regressions.  My objective is
to drop a lag of one of the pre-determined variable while restricting the
sample of the second estimation to that of the previous one using the
e(sample) function.  E.g.

xtabond def5tot ggdpind mktsh4d_ii herf2i_ii, lags(1) pre(l1rdtota,
lag(4,.)) twostep, if sic2d=="36"
xtabond def5tot ggdpind mktsh4d_ii herf2i_ii, lags(1) pre(l1rdtota,
lag(3,.)) twostep, if sic2d=="36" & e(sample)

(I could have omitted the -sic2d=="36"- in the second regression but I kept
it, to be safe.)

As the output below indicates, the first set of estimates used 143
observations on 32 firms whereas the second one drew from 180 observations
on 38 firms.  To see how many observations are really included in the
e(sample) function, I called -count if e(sample)- after the first regression
and Stata returned a count of 180 observations, i.e.

. qui xtabond def5tot ggdpind mktsh4d_ii herf2i_ii, lags(1) pre(l1rdtota,
lag(4,.)) twostep, if sic2d=="36"

. count if e(sample)

Looking at xtabond.ado (*! version 3.5.1   29May2002), my guess would be
that -markout- isn't quite successful at setting `touse'=0 for certain
observation in the block

	markout `touse'   L(1/`lags')D.`depvar' /*
		*/ `indeps_o'  `prevars_o' `inst_o' 

	if "`small'" != "" {
		local dofm " dof( `df' ) "
	est post `b' `V', depname(`depvar') obs(`NT') `dofm' /*
		*/ esample(`touse')

but exactly which observations are at fault escapes me at this time.

. xtabond def5tot ggdpind mktsh4d_ii herf2i_ii, lags(1) pre(l1rdtota,
lag(4,.)) twostep, if sic2d=="36"

Arellano-Bond dynamic panel data                Number of obs      =
Group variable (i): firm                        Number of groups   =

                                                Wald chi2(9)       =

Time variable (t): year                         min number of obs  =
                                                max number of obs  =
                                                mean number of obs =

Two-step results
def5tota     |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
def5tota     |
          LD |  -.2843774   .0290648    -9.78   0.000    -.3413433
l1rdtota     |
          D1 |   2.391021   .1233131    19.39   0.000     2.149332
          LD |   .6619784    .162422     4.08   0.000     .3436373
         L2D |   .0620613   .3464511     0.18   0.858    -.6169703
         L3D |   1.330603   .2330873     5.71   0.000     .8737608
         L4D |   .3113902   .1615955     1.93   0.054     -.005331
ggdpind      |
          D1 |   .0021814   .0004022     5.42   0.000     .0013932
mktsh4d_ii   |
          D1 |  -.0051892    .002003    -2.59   0.010     -.009115
herf2i_ii    |
          D1 |  -.0310469   .0235543    -1.32   0.187    -.0772125
_cons        |  -.0115135   .0034722    -3.32   0.001    -.0183189
Warning: Arellano and Bond recommend using one-step results for 
         inference on coefficients

Sargan test of over-identifying restrictions:     
         chi2(156) =    22.21     Prob > chi2 = 1.0000

Arellano-Bond test that average autocovariance in residuals of order 1 is 0:
         H0: no autocorrelation   z =  -0.02   Pr > z = 0.9819
Arellano-Bond test that average autocovariance in residuals of order 2 is 0:
         H0: no autocorrelation   z =  -1.19   Pr > z = 0.2332

. xtabond def5tot ggdpind mktsh4d_ii herf2i_ii, lags(1) pre(l1rdtota,
lag(3,.)) twostep, if sic2d=="36" & e(sam
> ple)

Arellano-Bond dynamic panel data                Number of obs      =
Group variable (i): firm                        Number of groups   =

                                                Wald chi2(8)       =

Time variable (t): year                         min number of obs  =
                                                max number of obs  =
                                                mean number of obs =

Two-step results
def5tota     |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
def5tota     |
          LD |  -.4287407   .0056001   -76.56   0.000    -.4397166
l1rdtota     |
          D1 |   .6607953   .0150069    44.03   0.000     .6313823
          LD |  -.6613175   .0823001    -8.04   0.000    -.8226226
         L2D |  -.7272684    .089698    -8.11   0.000    -.9030732
         L3D |    1.20427   .0424572    28.36   0.000     1.121055
ggdpind      |
          D1 |  -.0015926   .0002275    -7.00   0.000    -.0020385
mktsh4d_ii   |
          D1 |  -.0099554   .0017563    -5.67   0.000    -.0133977
herf2i_ii    |
          D1 |  -.1146986    .009055   -12.67   0.000    -.1324461
_cons        |   .0013375   .0016637     0.80   0.421    -.0019233
Warning: Arellano and Bond recommend using one-step results for 
         inference on coefficients

Sargan test of over-identifying restrictions:     
         chi2(165) =    31.63     Prob > chi2 = 1.0000

Arellano-Bond test that average autocovariance in residuals of order 1 is 0:
         H0: no autocorrelation   z =  -0.90   Pr > z = 0.3691
Arellano-Bond test that average autocovariance in residuals of order 2 is 0:
         H0: no autocorrelation   z =  -1.41   Pr > z = 0.1579

Patrick Joly
[email protected]
[email protected]

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