In bs command, Stata puts a formula in the second set of quotation marks to
denote a statistic to bootstrap like
logit y x1 x2
bs "logit y x1 x2" "whatever statistic formula", rep(#)
However, it's kind of strange to me that I cannot wrap up lines use /* */
and it seems that I cannot put space between numeric signs like "_b[_cons] +
mean2*_b[x1] + mean3*_b[_x2]" won't work, and I have to get rid of any space
like "_b[_cons]+mean2*_b[x1]+mean3*_b[_x2]". Here mean2 and mean3 are
defined as scalars. Any input on this? Is that because I use scalar in the
quotation mark, or it has to be the case that no wrap-up of the stuff within
the second set of quotation marks or the space thing. If so, might be kind
of inconvient if I have a long formula for a statistic to bootstrap.
Jun Xu
Dept. of Sociology
Indidna University at Bloomington
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