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st: RE: Summarize without Min and Max

From   "Nick Winter" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Summarize without Min and Max
Date   Thu, 12 Sep 2002 09:37:57 -0400

Here's one quick solution, which just wraps its own display routine
around -summarize-:

prog define mysum
	version 7
	syntax varlist

	di "{txt}{ralign 12:Variable} {c |}" _c
	di "{ralign 8:Obs}{ralign 12:Mean}{ralign 12:Std. Dev.}"
	di "{hline 13}{c +}{hline 32}"	
	foreach var of local varlist {
		qui sum `var'
		local vname = abbrev("`var'",12)
		di "{txt}{ralign 12:`vname'} {c |}{res}" _c
		di %8.0f `r(N)' "   " _c
		di %9.0g `r(mean)' "  " _c
		di %9.0g `r(sd)'


--Nick Winter

 Nicholas Winter, Ph.D.                     P 202.939.5343
 Policy Studies Associates                  F 202.939.5732
 1718 Connecticut Avenue, NW     [email protected]
 Washington, DC 20009-1148 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John GIBSON [mailto:[email protected]] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 9:21 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Summarize without Min and Max
> Dear Listers
> I am working on confidential unit record files and my output 
> is not allowed to identify individual respondents. This 
> prevents using the "Summarize" command when I want means and 
> std deviations of my variables, because Max and Min are also 
> included and these refer to individual respondents.
> While I can use Tabstat it is much less convenient because I 
> have to specify the varlist (and using _all fails because 
> there are string variables in the dataset).
> Does anyone have a version of the Summarize command that 
> suppresses the Min and Max?
> Thanks.
> John Gibson
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