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st: I am asking for some help with stata

From   jon ebeling <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: I am asking for some help with stata
Date   Thu, 22 Aug 2002 04:58:45 -0700

I have a large data base that will not have the value labels of the
variables as part of the output file. I will trnasfer the file from spss

to stata using stat transfer. The file is created  originally in Ci3
which is a
survey software, that used to produce the value labels for codes in each

of the variables. Its latest version does not seem capable of doing that

anymore.It is from sawtooth software. The data base will have
280 questions and I'm trying to figure out an efficient way to get the
value labels created in stata from these sources.

One way might be to build the program once, and then append all
data that comes from the survey. I assume the append command will apply
variable labels and the value labels to new data that is appended.

At the present I can't think of any other alternative.. does anyone work
the Sawtooth Software and stata? I would like to talk with you if you

[email protected]

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions I might obtain.

jon ebeling
csuchico CA

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