This page announced updates in Stata 11. See a complete overview of all of Stata's survival analysis features. |
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. predict cs, csnell
to obtain partial Cox–Snell residuals. One statistic per record was produced. To obtain subject-level residuals, for which there is one per subject and which predict stored on each subject’s last record, you typed
. predict ccs, ccsnell
In Stata 11, when you type
. predict cs, csnell
you obtain the subject-level residual. To obtain the partial, you use the new partial option:
. predict cs, csnell partial
The same applies to all the other residuals. Concerning the
inconsistency, partial deviances are now available.
Not affected is predict, scores after streg.
Log-likelihood scores in parametric models are mathematically
defined at the record level and are meaningful only if evaluated at
that level.
Prior behavior is restored under version control.