2016 International Stata® Users Group meetings
Make your plans now to attend EUSMEX 2016 on May 18 at CIDE Región Centro in Aguascalientes.
Presentations: May 18
A contingent valuation application using Stata
Arturo Robles Valencia, Universidad de Sonora
DJA command to perform the decomposition of inequalities
Linda Llamas, Universidad Estatal de Sonora and CIAD
Abdelkrim Araar, Université Laval & CIRPÉE
Luis Huesca, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y
Desarrollo, A.C. (CIAD)
Introduction to fractional outcome regression models using the fracreg and betareg commands
Miguel Dorta, StataCorp LP
Microdatos de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015 con Stata
Juan Francisco Islas Aguirre, FAO México
Programming financial models with Stata and Excel®
Carlos Alberto Dorantes Dosamantes, ITESM
Endotoxin associated to particulate matter (PM10) of a landfill facility in Cuautla, Morelos, Mexico
María Alejandra Terrazas-Meraz, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelo
Introduction to Markov-switching regression models using the mswitch command
Gustavo Sanchez, StataCorp LP
New methods of interpretation using marginal effects for nonlinear models
J. Scott Long, Indiana University at Bloomington
GMM and maximum likelihood estimators with Mata and moptimize
Alfonso Miranda, División de Economía, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
Stationary and multiple structural change with Stata
Alfonso Mendoza-Velázquez, Universidad Popular
Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
Omar Stabridis-Arana, Centro de Investigación e Inteligencia
Económica (CIIE)
Consumption of tobacco in high school students
Paola Adanari Ortega-Ceballos, Facultad de Enfermería,
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
Edith Ruth Arizmendi-Jaime, Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad
Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
Miriam Tapia-Domínguez, Facultad de Enfermería,
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
María Alejandra Terrazas-Meraz, Facultad de Enfermería,
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
Report to users and Wishes and grumbles

Keynote speaker: J. Scott Long
New methods of interpretation using marginal effects for nonlinear models
Marginal effects are commonly used to interpret linear and nonlinear regression models. Most simply, a marginal effect (ME) computes the change in the outcome for a fixed amount of change in one predictor while holding other predictors constant. This presentation considers a variety of nonstandard applications of MEs in a single model and compares effects across models.
Meeting fees | Price |
Professionals | MEX $1,700.00 + IVA (16%) |
Students | MEX $850.00 + IVA (16%) |
Scientific committee
Alfonso Miranda
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE)
Benjamín Sexto
MultiON Consulting—Estadístico y especialista en Stata
Luis Huesca Reynoso
Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo,
View program schedule and register