When | July 30–31, 2015 |
Where | Hyatt Regency Columbus 350 North High Street Columbus, Ohio |
Who | Stata developers You and Stata users from around the world |
Cost | $195 two days, $75 student $125 one day, $50 student Optional dinner TBA |
Come join us in Columbus, home to the state capital of Ohio and Ohio State University, for two days of networking and Stata exploration. The conference includes, in addition to user contributions, presentations by StataCorp developers on new Stata 14 features.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with fellow researchers as well as developers who wrote Stata 14!
Preliminary program
- Estimating treatment effects for ordered outcomes using maximum simulated likelihood
- Christian Gregory
Economic Research Service, USDA - Linear dynamic panel-data estimation using maximum likelihood and structural equation modeling
- Richard Williams
Department of Sociology, University of Notre Dame - Paul Allison
Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania - Enrique Moral Benito
Banco de España, Madrid - 15 years a consultant
- Phil Ender
UCLA Statistical Consulting Group (Ret) - Robust inference in regression-discontinuity designs
- Matias Cattaneo
University of Michigan - Sebastian Calonico
University of Michigan - Rocio Titiunik
University of Michigan - Estimation in panel data with individual effects and AR(p) remainder disturbances
- Long Liu
Department of Economics, The University of Texas at San Antonio - Item response theory models in Stata
- Rebecca Pope
Health Econometrician, StataCorp - Meta-analysis on the effects of interviewer supportiveness on the accuracy of children’s reports
- Christine Wells
Statistical Consulting Group, UCLA - Karen Saywitz, PhD
UCLA - Rakel Larson, MA
University of California, Riverside - Sue Hobbs, PhD
University of California, Davis - tetrad: A program for confirmatory tetrad analysis
- Shawn Bauldry
University of Alabama at Birmingham - Kenneth Bollen
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Postestimation parameter recentering and rescaling
- Douglas Hemken
Social Science Computing Cooperative, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Statistical process control charts
- Barbara Williams
Virginia Mason Medical Center - Data workflows with Stata and Python
- Stephen Childs
Education Policy Research Initiative, University of Ottawa - Dejan Pavlic
Education Policy Research Initiative - Distribution-free estimation of heteroskedastic binary-response models in Stata
- Jason Blevins
Department of Economics, The Ohio State University - Shakeeb Khan
Duke University - A comparison of modeling scales in flexible parametric models
- Noori Akhtar-Danesh
McMaster University - Estimating Markov-switching regression models in Stata
- Ashish Rajbhandari
Senior Econometrician, StataCorp - midasinla: midas goes Bayesian via R-INLA
- Ben Adarkwa Dwamena
University of Michigan Medical School - Between and beyond: Irregular series, interpolation, variograms, and smoothing
- Nicholas Cox
Department of Geography, Durham University - Public program sensitivity: Using ROC curves to characterize classification efficiency of state Medicaid systems
- Lisa Frazier
John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University - Small-sample inference for linear mixed-effects models
- Xiao Yang
Senior Statistician and Software Developer, StataCorp - Development of a project-based statistics course for applied biostatistics using Stata
- Frank Snyder
Purdue University - Brewing color schemes in Stata: Making it easier for end users to customize Stata graphs
- William Buchanan
Mississippi Department of Education - Colombian industrial structure behavior and its regions between 1974 and 2005
- Luis Fernando López Pineda
Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena
The Hyatt Regency Columbus is offering a special rate of $169 per night for Stata Conference attendees staying between July 28 and August 1, 2015. Book by July 7 to receive the special rate.
Hyatt Regency Columbus
350 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 463-1234
Reserve online
See you in Columbus!

Scientific committee
- Stanley Lemeshow
(chair of review team)
The Ohio State University
Biostatistics - Timothy R. Sahr (coordinator)
The Ohio Colleges of Medicine
Government Resource Center
Applied Research - Marcus Berzofsky
RTI, International
Survey Research - Christopher Browning
The Ohio State University
Sociology - Anand Desai
The Ohio State University
Public Policy - Christopher Holloman
The Ohio State University
Statistics - Bo Lu
The Ohio State University
Biostatistics - Eric Seiber
The Ohio State University
Health Economics