New from the Stata Bookstore

Epidemiology: Study Design and Analysis, Third Edition
Mark Woodward’s third edition of Epidemiology: Study Design and Data Analysis has two target audiences: researchers who need statistical solutions to epidemiology problems and statisticians who wish to learn how their science applies to epidemiology. This book successfully presents statistical principles in epidemiology in a manner that is neither too theoretical nor too replete with medical jargon.
Topics include basic terminology, causality, descriptive statistics, testing of means, relative risks versus odds ratios, exact tests based on tables, tests for linear and nonlinear trends, confounding and interaction, direct and indirect standardization, cohort designs, case–control studies, intervention studies, power and sample size, linear models (including analysis of variance), logistic and other models for binary responses, survival analysis (including Cox regression), and meta-analysis.

Biostatistics Decoded
Biostatistics Decoded, by A. Gouveia Oliveira, is an introduction to biostatistics for medical professionals and clinical researchers. Oliveira emphasizes concepts and basic calculations that will provide the reader with a foundation for understanding the study designs and sta tistical methods reported in the scientific literature.
All examples are worked using Stata.
Many more titles!
The Stata Bookstore offers a wide variety of titles on statistics and Stata that our development staff feels may be of interest to Stata users.