Inside this issue
- In the spotlight: Export tables to Excel©
- In the spotlight: Double-robust treatment effects (two wrongs don't make a right, but one does)
- New from the Stata Gift Shop
- Public training courses
- NetCourses™
- Upcoming events
- Short courses
- New from the Stata Bookstore
- Stata Conference Boston 2014
- 2014 Stata Users Group meetings
- Don't forget: You can go green!
In the spotlight: Export tables to Excel©

A new feature in Stata 13, putexcel, allows you to easily export matrices, expressions, and stored results to an Excel file. Combining putexcel with a Stata command's stored results allows you to put the table displayed in your Stata Results window in an Excel file ...
In the spotlight: Double-robust treatment effects
(two wrongs don't make a right, but one does)
If you ever wanted an extra shot at getting your treatment-effects model right, teffects can help you. teffects allows you to write a model for the treatment and a model for the outcome. We will show how--even if you misspecify one of the models--you can still get correct estimates using doubly robust estimators ...
New from the Stata Gift Shop

Public training courses
Using Stata effectively March 4–5, 2014 April 21–22, 2014 Washington, DC |
$950 |
Causal inference using Stata: Estimating average treatment effects March 6–7, 2014 Washington, DC |
$1,295 |
Structural equation modeling using Stata March 24–25, 2014 Washington, DC |
$1,295 |
Multilevel/mixed models using Stata April 23–24, 2014 Washington, DC |
$1,295 |
NC101: Introduction to Stata March 7–April 18, 2014 |
$95 |
NC151: Introduction to Stata programming March 7–April 18, 2014 |
$125 |
NC631: Introduction to survival analysis using Stata NEW June 13–August 1, 2014 |
$295 |
NC251: Writing your own Stata commands October 10–November 28, 2014 |
$150 |
NC461: Univariate time series with Stata October 10–November 28, 2014 |
$295 |
Upcoming events
We will be exhibiting at several professional meetings and conferences throughout the year. Be sure to stop by and say "hi", or talk Stata, or ask us technical questions. Stata developers will be there. Even better, we'll be giving away Stata goodies ...
Short courses
Looking for Stata courses in your area? Check out our list of third-party short courses, held throughout the world.
New from the Stata Bookstore

Epidemiology: Study Design and Data Analysis, Third Edition
Mark Woodward’s third edition of Epidemiology: Study Design and Data Analysis has two target audiences: researchers who need statistical solutions to epidemiology problems and statisticians who wish to learn how their science applies to epidemiology. This book successfully presents statistical principles in epidemiology in a manner that is neither too theoretical nor too replete with medical jargon ...

Biostatistics: Decoded
Biostatistics Decoded, by A. Gouveia Oliveira, is an introduction to biostatistics for medical professionals and clinical researchers. Oliveira emphasizes concepts and basic calculations that will provide the reader with a foundation for understanding the study designs and statistical methods reported in the scientific literature ...
Many more titles online!
The Stata Bookstore offers a wide variety of titles on statistics and Stata that our development staff feels may be of interest to Stata users. Check out the Bookstore.
Stata Conference Boston 2014

July 31-August 1, 2014
Come join us in historic Boston, home to Fenway Park and the Harvard Museum of Natural History, for two days of networking and Stata exploration. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with colleagues and fellow researchers as well as Stata developers ...
2014 Stata Users Group meetings

June 13, 2014
The 12th German Stata Users Group meeting will be held at the University of Hamburg on Friday, June 13, 2014. Everyone who is interested in using Stata is invited ...

September 11–12, 2014
The 2014 UK Stata Users Group meeting is a two-day international conference where the use of Stata is discussed across a wide-ranging breadth of fields and environments. The meeting is open to everyone ...

Don't forget: You can go green!
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