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Search Results: release 16
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Searched for release 16.   Results 81 - 90 of about 413. Search took 0.39 seconds.

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[PDF] Title Description Quick start Menu
... US Bureau of the Census, and the University of Pennsylvania. Search by release date
finds regularly released series that were updated in a specified ... Page 16. ...


[PDF] On the shoulders of giants: Writing wrapper commands in ...
... wrapper version 13 if c(stata_version) >= 16 { ... / code using new Stata functionality
(frames ... if they were written since the release of Stata 18 but before ...


[PDF] Do-files
... 9 18.00 18.00 N Cntrl 12 24.00 42.00 South 16 32.00 74.00 West 13 26.00 100.00 Total
50 ... in your do-file declare the Stata release you used when you wrote the do ...

[ More results from www.stata.com/manuals14/ ]

[PDF] On the Economics of Statalist Exchanges
... Page 16. ... layout on transatlantic flights Purchase of lottery tickets Savers buy IPO
shares Free release of programs on ssc Free release of advice on Statalist ...


Stata and H2O integration | Stata
... enabled from official Stata, we expect to release some community-contributed packages,
and we ... Last updated: 16 November 2022. StataCorp LLC (StataCorp) strives ...

www.stata.com/h2o/ - 54k

Stata 14 available now | Stata News Volume 30 Number 1
... Run it now. Stata 14 is possibly our biggest release ever; it is certainly our broadest. ... Last
updated: 16 November 2022. StataCorp LLC (StataCorp) strives to ...

www.stata.com/stata-news/news30-1/ - 66k

[PDF] Using Mata to work more effectively in Stata
... Introduction Since the release of version 9, Stata contains a full-fledged matrix
programming language, Mata, with most of the capabilities of MATLAB ... Page 16. ...


FAQs: How can I determine if my computer/OS is 64-bit | ...
... As of Stata 16, only 64-bit Windows is supported. Mac. ... processors are capable of 64-bit
computing, the OS release level may be the limiting factor. In the above ...

www.stata.com/support/faqs/windows/64-bit-compliance/ - 64k

Upgrading to a new edition | Stata
... Stata installation guide for instructions on installing a new release of Stata. ... Last
updated: 16 November 2022. StataCorp LLC (StataCorp) strives to provide our ...

www.stata.com/install-guide/new-edition-upgrade/ - 67k

[PDF] Instrumental variables: Overview and advances
... to IV methods available in Stata 9.2 and 10, including the latest release of Baum,
Schaffer, Stillman's widely used ivreg2, available for Stata 9.2 or ... Page 16. ...


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