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Searched for %s.   Results 481 - 487 of about 17500. Search took 2.02 seconds.

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Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... David K Evans (Wed Nov 17 20:20:03 2004); st: xtprobit and xttobit missing s.errors,
feldman (Wed Nov 17 18:50:10 2004); st: oblong correlations with makematrix ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2004-11/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... st: -estimates table- display question, Michael S. Hanson
(Fri Jan 19 17:01:00 2007): Re: st: -estimates ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-01/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... Re: st: data size - how big, S Mahmud (Fri Jul 05 13:39:09 2002). Re:
st: data size - how big, William Gould (Mon Jul 08 09:20:15 2002): ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2002-07/ - 101k

Stata news | Archives
1 item has been added to your cart. Stata/MP4 Annual License (download). $995.00
Checkout Continue shopping Introducing StataNow ™ &rarr;. ...

www.stata.com/news/archives/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... st: Installation of GAM, Hanno Petras (Mon Nov 04 11:13:56 2002). st: using max
and sdev functions more flexibly, Pezzini,S (pgr) (Mon Nov 04 09:50:58 2002): ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2002-11/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... Ricardo Ovaldia (Mon Feb 14 07:41:13 2005); <Possible follow-ups>; Re: st: predict
cs, csnell: missings, Verena Schoenleber (Tue Feb 15 14:01:13 2005). s.

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2005-02/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
Statalist archive (ordered by thread) (last updated
Tue Feb 28 23:50:12 2006): Date index. ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2006-02/ - 101k

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