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In the spotlight: Bayesian vector autoregressive models | ...
... References. Baum, CF, and S. Hurn. 2021. Environmental Econometrics
Using Stata. College Station, TX: Stata Press. ...

www.stata.com/stata-news/news36-4/bayesian-vector-autoregressive-models/ - 87k

Stata Bookstore: Data Science for Business and Decision ...
... 22.3.1 Control Charts for X̅ and R 22.3.2 Control Charts for X̅ and S 22.4 Control
Charts for Attributes 22.4.1 P Chart (Defective Fraction) 22.4.2 np Chart ...

www.stata.com/bookstore/data-science-for-business-and-decision-making/ - 96k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... Ben Jann (Thu Apr 20 15:50:18 2006); st: reporting of R2 in xtreg, Anna S. Chung
(Thu Apr 20 15:41:43 2006); st: RE: Changing positive values to negative in Stata ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2006-04/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
Stata Statalist archive (ordered by thread) (last updated Mon May 31 22:21:22 2004):
Date index. ... st: RE: nonlinear LS and robust, Chavis, Larry Wilson.

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2004-05/ - 101k

2020 Stata Conference | Stata
... Diego Rosetta Stone: Stata To Python Pandas crosswalk Abstract: Given Stata’s
recent updates that promote Python integration and the growing popularity of ...

www.stata.com/meeting/philadelphia20/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... regression: specification tests, Christer.Thrane (Tue Oct 28 04:40:01 2003); st:
stata, payal s (Mon Oct 27 18:50:01 2003); st: definition of pseudo R^2 for ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2003-10/ - 101k

2016 London Stata Users Group meeting | Stata
... Andersson, T. ML., P. W.Dickman, S. Eloranta, and PC Lambert. 2011. Estimating and
modelling cure in population-based cancer studies within the framework of ...

www.stata.com/meeting/uk16/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software. Bookmark and Share ... st: Au revoir Statalist.
Hello Statalist., Marcello Pagano (Mon Mar 31 11:02:42 2014): ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2014-03/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
Statalist archive (ordered by thread) (last updated
Thu May 31 17:30:29 2007): Date index. ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-05/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... 2005): Re: st: compatibility: stata for mac and windows,
Michael S. Hanson (Sun Aug 28 11:20:05 2005). ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2005-08/ - 101k

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