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Stata Bookstore: Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using ...
... Fourth Edition is the most complete, up-to-date depiction of Stata’s capacity
for fitting models to multilevel and longitudinal data. Readers will also ...

www.stata.com/bookstore/multilevel-longitudinal-modeling-stata/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... st: problem with outreg not recognizing some regressors, Pezzini,S (pgr) (Wed Feb
26 12:19:41 2003); st: 2sls and robust standard errors, Ed Levitas (Wed Feb 26 ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2003-02/ - 101k

Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
... st: XTIVREG2 and FIRST option, Ian S McRae (Mon Mar 19 06:28:00 2007); st: RE: How
to skip logit when there is no variation in the dependent variable, Maarten ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-03/ - 101k

Stata Bookstore: Regression Methods in Biostatistics: Linear, ...
... 4.4.2 Confounding Is Difficult to Rule Out 4.4.3 Adjusted Versus Unadjusted &beta;s
4.4.4 Example: BMI and LDL 4.5 Mediation 4.5.1 Indirect Effects via the ...

www.stata.com/bookstore/regression-methods-biostatistics/ - 89k

Stata Bookstore: Multiple Imputation and Its Application
... using FCS 9.4 Individual patient meta-analysis 9.4.1 When to apply Rubin&rsquo;s
rules 9.5 Extensions 9.5.1 Random level-1 covariance matrices 9.5.2 Model fit ...

www.stata.com/bookstore/multiple-imputation-and-its-application/ - 77k

Mata Reference Manual | Stata Press
... scalars. st_nvar(), Numbers of variables and observations.
st_rclear(), Clear r(), e(), or s(). st_store ...

www.stata-press.com/manuals/mata-reference-manual/ - 70k

Stata Bookstore: Statistics in Medicine, Fourth Edition
... 11.6 The Basics of Nonparametric Tests 11.7 Single or Paired Sample Distribution(s):
The Signed-Rank Test 11.8 Two Independent Sample Distributions: The Rank ...

www.stata.com/bookstore/statistics-in-medicine/ - 84k

A Course in Item Response Theory and Modeling with Stata | ...
... for multi-item measuring instrument construction 9.2 How to apply Lord&rsquo;s approach
to instrument construction in empirical research 9.3 Examples of target ...

www.stata-press.com/books/course-item-response-theory-modeling-stata/ - 47k

Stata Bookstore: The Statistical Evaluation of Medical Tests ...
... homogenous population 6.2.3 Nonparametric regression quantiles 6.2.4 Parametric estimation
of S D,Z 6.2.5 Semiparametric models 6.2.6 Application 6.2.7 Ordinal ...

www.stata.com/bookstore/statistical-evaluation-medical-tests/ - 82k

IV quantile regression | New in Stata 18
... Constant effect : The 401(k) participation’s treatment
effect is constant for all the estimated quantiles. ...

www.stata.com/new-in-stata/instrumental-variable-quantile-regression/ - 85k

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