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Stata News Volume 39 Number 3
... the Graph Editor. Learn how to customize your graph without writing code, apply
the same edits to multiple graphs, and more in John V. Kane’s concise guide. ...

www.stata.com/stata-news/news39-3/ - 30k

Stata | What computer should I use to run Stata/MP?
... A computer&rsquo;s processor is often called the central processing unit, or CPU.
Computers can have multiple CPUs, and Stata/MP takes advantage of this design ...

www.stata.com/products/compatible-operating-systems-mp/ - 56k

Stata training | Customize reproducible tables using Stata
... in Stata 17 and 18, you can now create publication-quality tables using Stata’s
built-in tools. These tools include the reimagined table command, the new ...

www.stata.com/training/public/customize-reproducible-tables-using-stata/ - 81k

Stata | FAQ: Other sources of support
... less targeted at solving a particular problem. The focus of the blog&rsquo;s substantive
articles is to provide deep understanding so that you can provide your ...

www.stata.com/support/faqs/technical-support/other-sources/ - 60k

Stata | FAQ: Sending Stata output to Technical Support
... the following procedure: . log using junk, replace . about . update . sysdir . adopath
. pwd . describe . summarize . command(s) causing problems . log close. ...

www.stata.com/support/faqs/technical-support/sending-stata-output/ - 54k

Stata | FAQ: Adobe Reader installation tips
... How do I obtain Adobe Reader for viewing Stata&rsquo;s PDF documentation?
Title, Adobe Reader installation tips. Author, Stata Press. ...

www.stata.com/support/faqs/resources/adobe-installation-tips/ - 55k

Stata | FAQ: Programming Stata
... my options? Is there any way to get around the option
limit in Stata&rsquo;s syntax command? How ...

www.stata.com/support/faqs/programming/ - 62k

Stata | FAQ: Mata
... In Stata, can I use Mata matrices that are larger than Stata&rsquo;s maximum
matrix size? How can I perform clustermat on a Mata matrix? How can I send ...

www.stata.com/support/faqs/mata/ - 55k

FAQ: Reporting | Stata
... How do I change a table’s layout using collect layout? How does dtable handle
survey data? How to generate a table of descriptive statistics for survey ...

www.stata.com/support/faqs/reporting/ - 57k

Stata Bookstore | Multivariate methods
... A. Donatello, and Virginia A. Clark Cluster Analysis, Fifth Edition Brian S. Everitt,
Sabine Landau, Morven Leese, and Daniel Stahl Principles and Practice of ...

www.stata.com/bookstore/multivariate-methods/ - 66k

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