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RE: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over ...
... sc sampled screened noreply m, xla(576/599,angle(90)) name(s, replace) fcolor(green
yellow red) recast(bar) **** HTH Martin -----Original Message----- From ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg01481.html - 11k

st: RE: Outreg2 and co-linear variables in a regression
... > You could use Maarten`s -indeplist- tp identify valid covariates. Strangely, -drop(o*)-
does not do the job, so let`s instead -keep-... * clear* set ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg01081.html - 8k

st: AW: how to inicialize a new thread?
... stock of knowledge in there is a much underappreciated resource for users, so let`s
try and maintain it by sticking to these common sense rules about posting ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg00404.html - 12k

st: AW: What does 'ssss' mean with replication dots?
... > Are these "s" green? If so, they could be - are likely to be - the loop monitoring
signs thrown up by -_dots.ado-, as described in David`s SJ tip http://www ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg00261.html - 9k

Re: st: RE: reinstate data after -contract- and -reshape-
... at 12:28 PM, Martin Weiss wrote: <> The "advanced syntax" of -reshape- let`s you
undo the previous - reshape- in a straightforward manner, but -contract- can ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg01475.html - 11k

Re: st: AW: What does 'ssss' mean with replication dots?
... Nov 6, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Martin Weiss <[email protected]> wrote: >> >>
Are these "s" green? If so, they could be - are likely to be - the loop ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg00268.html - 12k

Re: st: add total group in -sts graph, by()-
... example ----- sysuse cancer, clear stset studytime, failure(died)
sts gen S_by = s, by(drug) sts gen S_tot = s // We want to start the ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg01488.html - 9k

R: st: highly skewed, highly zeroed data
... two interesting references, please see: - Briggs, A. and Nixon, R. and Dixon, S.
and Thompson, S. (2005). Parametric modelling of cost data: some simulation ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg01349.html - 12k

Re: st: AW: What does 'ssss' mean with replication dots?
... 2009 at 6:25 PM, Martin Weiss <[email protected]> wrote: > > <> Are these
"s" green? If so, they could be - are likely to be - the loop > monitoring ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg00264.html - 10k

AW: st: AW: forvalues & replace not working under two 'not ...
... are derived from a judicious combination of -bysort- and some -egen- function(s).
This is material covered comprehensively in Nick`s seminal http://www.stata ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-11/msg00599.html - 29k

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