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Searched for %s site:www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10.   Results 11 - 20 of about 152. Search took 0.02 seconds.

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Re: st: Order variables alphabetically, not like -aorder-
... the command -unab- will put a unabreviated variable list in a local, eg -unab s :
year*- will make a local `s' containing year1 year2 ... year20. Than you can ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg00907.html - 9k

Re: st: [Mata newbie] optimize() vs -ml-
... likelihood evaluator employs the chain rule to produce a gradient similar to -ml-'s
-mlvecsum- command. Here are some results from a single timing on my machine ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg00602.html - 12k

Re: st: [Mata newbie] optimize() vs -ml-
... v0 d1 (with scores) v1 d2 (with scores) v2 The point here is that -ml-'s methods
for handling type -lf- evaluators are not comparable to -optimize()-'s methods ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg00564.html - 12k

Re: [SPAM] - st: Returning Mata Results to Stata - Email ...
... an empty variable Result_1 in Stata > > 2. Start cycle in Stata (indexed by `s'),
in which run your Mata routine for each observation, and write its result in 1 ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg00552.html - 12k

RE: [SPAM] - st: Returning Mata Results to Stata - Email ...
... Create an empty variable Result_1 in Stata 2. Start cycle in Stata (indexed by `s'),
in which run your Mata routine for each observation, and write its result ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg00549.html - 10k

Re: st: RE: distance calculation and reshape
... 60*`tm'+real(substr("$S_TIME",7,2))-`t' loc tm=real(substr("$S_TIME",4,2)) loc s=60*`tm'+real(substr("$S_TIME",7,2))
forvalues n1 = 1/`rows' { gen int point_`n1 ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg00705.html - 9k

RE: st: RE: distance calculation and reshape
... 60*`tm'+real(substr("$S_TIME",7,2))-`t' loc tm=real(substr("$S_TIME",4,2)) loc s=60*`tm'+real(substr("$S_TIME",7,2))
forvalues n1 = 1/`rows' { gen int point_`n1 ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg00727.html - 10k

Re: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at ...
... To see this notice first that they have a very similar structure: y = minimum +
maximum * S-shaped curve whereby the S-have curve has a minimum of 0 and a ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg01014.html - 10k

st: RE: Beginning Programming Advice
... Prev by Date: st: -heckman- and the identifying variable(s); Next by Date: Re: st:
-heckman- and the identifying variable(s); Previous by thread: st: Beginning ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg00503.html - 9k

st: metan updated
... Prev by Date: st: R: spine plots, mosaic plots and Escher(s); Next by Date: Re: st:
artifacts after merge; Previous by thread: st: spine plots, mosaic plots and ...

www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-10/msg01108.html - 7k

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